United Way's RSVP & Volunteer Center
We are working to connect people of all ages to organized, meaningful volunteer opportunities that impact and improve our community.
Giving is not always about giving money. In fact, your time and talent is a precious resource to United Way and many other organizations in East Central Alabama, and we are here to help you connect with volunteer opportunities throughout our communities. Whether you are volunteering as an individual, a family, or as a company team, we are here to help you plug in and get to work. It only takes a little bit of time to make a big difference.
Through our Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), we are also ready to assist our senior citizens with long-term and short-term volunteer placements. There are many organizations within our community that depend on volunteers to help them accomplish their work and their mission. And, there is no better way for you to stay active than by volunteering your time.
We welcome volunteers of all ages to connect with us. Let us help you find your passion within our community!